Former make-up instructor Maria Lomovskikh, 20, had gone to the beauty salon in her home city of Voronezh in southern Russia where she began criticising manicurist Anastasia Kretova about the quality of service, calling it "shoddy and unprofessional".
In response, the beautician filed her nails so close to the skin her fingers began bleeding and swelling.
Lomovskikh, who also freelances as a stripper when not modelling lingerie, said: "I was in absolute agony.
"I was criticising the woman because she was using dirty nail files and wasn’t disinfecting her instruments.
After going home to bandage her wounds, the local beauty eventually had to go to hospital where she was diagnosed with having acute purulent inflammation of two nails and had to have them removed.
Head surgeon who carried out the operation, Igor Korotkiy, said: "The damage was so bad the only thing we could do was to take them off completely.
"It is difficult to say if they will ever grow again.
She said: "I have lost three jobs because of the deformity caused by this woman and I have been told that I will not be able to model lingerie or cigarettes again.
"I want her and the salon punished for this."
A spokesman for the beauty salon said: "We understand the lady’s complaints and we have accepted responsibility and punished the beautician concerned by deducting £30 from her pay."
Mirror uk
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